Jazz by Antonio Werli-EN


Antonio Werli Introduction

Antonio Werli (born in France in 1980) is a self-taught visual artist.

He’s also a musician, a writer, a literary translator and publisher, a letterpress printer, and a book designer. He worked with several well-known publishing houses in France and Argentina. He’s currently living in Buenos Aires, where, with his wife, he has created “Insula”, an art and letterpress studio, and handmade book publishing house. In 2019 he was part of the full-length documentary Endless Letterpress (dir. Nicolás Rodríguez Fuchs & Pablo Pivetta), which tells the story behind Insula and the contemporary letterpress scene in Argentina.

For more than twenty years, he worked with traditional technics (mainly drawing, collage, engraving, letterpress, and calligraphy) which led him to forge a personal style and a syncretic universe of different inspirations. Nourished at the same time by surrealism, vanguards, and classical and tribal art from all over the world, he also finds inspiration in literature, philosophy, and music. His work is characterized by patient meticulosity, surreal atmospheres, minimalist abstraction, and expressionist gestures.

He started to use digital tools in the 2000s for illustrations and complex book design. In 2014, he lost most of his physical work in a flood. In 2017 he decided to fully dedicate himself to art and has been part of several exhibitions since then, including a solo show in 2020 (Fu:d Gallery, Buenos Aires). He joined the NFT space in January 2022, creating traditional, digital, and generative tools. He’s minting on Tezos, Ethereum, and Solana, where he has published about 300 works as editions and 1/1s, besides his long-form generative projects on fx(hash). “Jazz” is his first generative work on the Lambda network.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/AntonioWerli


Artwork Introduction: Jazz

Publish platform:https://genify.xyz/collection/35/items

Mint time: April 18th 12:00 UTC (Hong Kong time 20:00)

Inspired by jazz music and my own drawing practice, “Jazz” is an ode to improvisation and abstraction, where textures and shapes mix up with each other to create playful jumbles, minimalist or intimate atmospheres, or wild-spirited jam sessions.

Features and general randomness allow to the creation of a wide variety of compositions. Of course, rarity can be defined by features, but general randomness also takes an important part in this work in particular and may generate an esthetically rare composition even if features aren’t the rarest. Like in music and in life, the taste is a personal view and feeling, and we encourage you to enjoy the ones which speak the most to you.

Exhibitions and well-known cooperation cases: THEBAIDE

“Thébaïde” is a French word for wild place, remote and peaceful, where to live in a calm retreat. Time, emptiness, desire, and chance are some of the concepts behind this visual metaphor of the human condition.




Genify | Multichain Generative Art Platform
Genify | Multichain Generative Art Platform

Written by Genify | Multichain Generative Art Platform

Genify is an innovative, creator-friendly, multi-chain generative art platform where users from any blockchain ecosystem can create and collect generative art.

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