Self-miracle(2024) by ChengRan & SBHStudio on GenifyGenify, in collaboration with K11 Art Foundation, jointly launched the NFT series ‘Self-Miracle (2024),’ a collaborative creation by artist…Sep 1, 2024Sep 1, 2024
In Conversation with Omar Lobato on Ghost by Jimi WenIn an interview with Jimi Wen, Omar Lobato discusses his evolution from early web development and cybersecurity to engaging in music…Feb 1, 2024Feb 1, 2024
<The Bridge> by HAL09999Genify will launch on Conflux Network and release the 1st Multi-chain Curated project <The Bridge> on November 22nd .Nov 6, 2023Nov 6, 2023
Genify Invitation System Is Live Now: Verified Artists can invite new artists to join to release…We are very excited that Genify has received a lot of attention from artists and collectors since it was launched on the Lambda mainnet. In…Oct 31, 2023Oct 31, 2023
Multi-chain generative art platform Genify will join the Conflux ecosystem to jointly build the…Genify ( ) is an innovative multi-chain generative art platform incubated by Lambda. As a leading NFT platform in the field of…Oct 19, 2023Oct 19, 2023
生成艺术 —— 为什么?艺术的发展是一个漫长而复杂的过程,每一种艺术形式都经历了从无到有、从简单到复杂、从单一到多样化的演变。于是天然地,审美标准混在艺术史的教条中成为我们评鉴艺术品的正则。这在许多情况下的确是有效的,但在面对生成艺术时,我们需要一个更原始的维度,即”艺术发生论”的维度。Jun 7, 2023Jun 7, 2023
Genify 2.0 版本正式上线,集成共享版税交易协议Genify 作为多链生成艺术平台,希望通过生成艺术构建 Web3 加密艺术的全新范式,建立东方生成艺术文化圈,以链接更多、更优秀的艺术家,并发掘更多尚未进入艺术 NFT 领域的人才。May 20, 2023May 20, 2023
Genify 2.0 Officially Launches with Integrated Shared Royalty Transaction Protocol (EN Version)As a multi-chain generative art platform, Genify hopes to build a new paradigm of Web3 crypto art through generative art and establish an…May 20, 2023May 20, 2023
Monogram by Arctic — Introduction to LNS Generative ArtworkArtist IntroductionMay 12, 2023May 12, 2023